
Barn Conversion - Auchineden

We and the clients are thrilled with the result of this project. They had the confidence to go with a full Passivhaus system and this house is now the very first in Scotland to achieve the EnerPHit standard, as certified by the Passivhaus Trust.

It will achieve an extremely high level of energy efficiency, and will be a pleasing environment to live in. 

Country Park - Stirlingshire

The clients had original plans drawn up for something quite different, however, the success of this project has derived from the new plan formed together using the landscape as an inspiration. The house successfully meets all the clients’ criteria and enhances the location of the house. It is the first steel framed house we have built and a successful method because of the large open plan spaces and wide spans of this dramatic large contemporary house.

Refurbishment - Gartocharn

The two luxury self-catering holiday lets began successful trading in March 2012. The enhancement of existing buildings by bringing them back to use and adopting sustainable design standards raises design quality and continued use of traditional farm buildings in the National Park. High quality visitor accommodation also aids development of tourism, which promotes a prosperous living and working countryside. This in turn contributes to the Park’s social, economic and environmental assets and encourages sustainable economic growth. The sustainable features of the cottages are key to the renovation of the buildings and to how the owners now manage their smallholding.

Avenel, Plot 2

Avenel Plot 2 (Designed by Adam Architecture with Thomas Robinson Architects as Executive Architects) wins Luxury House of the Year at the Scottish Home Awards and was a finalist in the Herald Property Awards 2012.
Read about the Avenel, Plot 2 project.

Avenel, Plot 3

Avenel Development (Designed by Adam Architecture with Thomas Robinson Architects as Executive Architects) is a Winner in the Herald Property Awards 2011. 
Highly Commended in the UK Property Awards.
Finalist in the Scottish Home Awards in 2011.